Vacuum Conveying System For Powder and Bulk

TeknoConvey specializing in the design and manufacture of pneumatic systems and support equipment for the conveying, weighing, and batching of dry materials,  TeknoConvey has an adaptation of vacuum conveying  that is designed specifically for the direct charge loading of blenders, mixers, reactors, and any vessel capable of withstanding a vacuum.

Vacuum conveyors are designed to move powder and bulk products from any kind of powder to bottle caps and anything that will convey through a tube or pipe, powders are transferred from various sources to the processing line using vacuum or negative pressure.

How does Vacuum Conveyor Work?

Vacuum Conveyors is the process of moving dry materials, such as powders, from place to place within a factory using suction power. The material is transferred in a piping system from the pick up point or source to the client process. Most Vacuum Conveyor transfer powder and bulk material based on a timed interval to the vacuum conveyor. At the end of the timed sequence the discharge valve open and the material conveyed can discharge in to the process.  Vacuum conveying controls dusts by eliminating hand scooping, delivering powders in an closed process without dust. If leaks occur, the leak is always inward, unlike positive- pressure conveying systems.

There are two types of vacuum conveyor. Dilute phase vacuum conveyor and Dense phase conveyor.

In Dilute phase vacuum conveying the material is entrained in the air stream and the is an almost equal part of air and product. This method is excellent for conveying almost any type of powder like sugar or flour.

In Dense pahse vacuum conveying system  the material is transferred in slugs within the convey piping. The material moves slower then dliute phase conveying system and is excellent choice for friable product or a mix of powders.

Vacuum conveyor system generally comprise a single or multiple pick-up point, a vacuum conveyor receiver, a vacuum source (venturi ejector pumps or blower) and a control panel. Conveying distance vary from 3 meters “up and in” to 60 meters. Can use in applications include loading a mixer, feding a packaging machine, tablet press, volumetric or gravimetric feeder or any other application where bulk dry powders are conveyed to the process, also system controls allow material to convey and discharge on demand, ideal for larger applications requiring movement of bulk materials from larger containers such as bulk bags, totes, railcars, and silos without a lot of manual intervention, reducing frequent container changes

Whether it’s a start-up scaling up production to meet demand for a new technology that is taking hold in the marketplace, or established manufacturers developing new product offerings, the ability to react quickly to changes in demand depends greatly on a production process that is skillful.

Start-up manufacturers would have all the capital needed to launch a product line with completely automated materials handling systems where machines weigh and mix batches and then dispense finished products into packages, sealing and wrapping them for distribution is a dream world.

In reality, newer production processes rely heavily on manual effort and capital expenses delayed until growth is steady. Another reality for newer manufacturers is that quite often founding employees wear many hats.

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