Merkezi bir vakum temizlik sistemleri

Merkezi bir vakum temizlik sistemleri üretim verimliliğini en üst düzeye çıkarmak için mücadele eden endüstriler için olmazsa olmazlardandır. Üretim hatlarına entegrasyonu, herhangi bir üretim hattında bakım ve duruş sürelerini minimuma indirir. Merkezi vakum sistemi veya  mobil endüstriyel süpürgeler? Tek bir cevap yok. Seçim, uygulamaya ve ürününüz için ihtiyaç duyduğunuz kişiselleştirme derecesine bağlıdır. Merkezi endüstriyel vakum sistemi aşağıdakileri garanti eder: Birkaç […]

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

TeknoConvey non-stop operation of the pneumatic vacuum allow you to efficiently vacuum each day with high vacuum power, it can suck from 80 – 100 meters. No moving internal parts grealy minimize maintanance. This machine is ideal for both intermittent and continuous operation. At only65- 70 dBA, this machine can be used in noise sensitive areas anytime of the day. […]


VACUUM CONVEYING Vacuum Conveyor Vacuum conveyors small portable units for minor and macro ingredient unload or  transfer, to large units capable of moving up to 12.000 kg/hr of material. Vacuum conveying suitable for transport in big bag unloading, dosing, and batch or party feeding of process tanks, mixers hopper, sieving machine , and other dry powder and granular process equipment. […]


Принцип вакуумной транспортировки Вакуумные конвей­еры «всасывают» переносимое вещество. На самом деле происходит следующее: из всасывающей трубы откачивается воздух, и атмосферное давление вталкивает про­дукт в трубопровод. Именно атмосферное давление косвенно влияет на этот процесс. Поток воздуха, сформированный при вы­равнивании давления, втягивает твердые частицы продукта в трубопровод. Все вакуумные конвейеры работают по од­ному принципу. Вещество транспортируют­ся из точки всасывания по трубопроводу в […]


Dense phase conveying is  the most reliable, efficient method for handling a outstandingly wide range of dry bulk solids. By definition, dense phase conveying simply means using a small amount of air to move a large amount of bulk solid material  through a conveying line. Unlike “dilute phase” pneumatic systems that typically use larger amounts of air to move relatively […]


Pneumatic conveying is basically reasonably simple and convenient for the transporting of  powdered and granular materials in factory, site and  plant locations. Pneumatic conveying generally require less plant space, can be easily automated, and can be readily installed. The system requirements are a source of compressed gas, air, a feed device, a conveying pipeline and a receiver to unload the […]